If you are thinking to become a graduate student or research student at YNU, please make use of this list to find your potential academic advisor. If you cannot find his/her contact address from the site, or if you have questions regarding admission, please contact the appropriate Graduate School.
Also, if you plan to apply for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships, please first read our webpage regarding its process and schedule.
●Graduate School of Education (in Japanese)
●Graduate School of International Social Sciences
― Department of Economics
― Department of Business Administration
― Department of International and Business Law
●Graduate School of Engineering Science
●Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences
●Graduate School of Urban Innovation
●Interfaculty Graduate School of Innovative and Practical Studies *Research students are not being accepted.
You can also search your potential academic advisor by “Research Field” or “Keyword” at
●YNU Researchers (Database)
(International Students Section)