Medical Service

Center for Health Service Sciences (Health Service Center)

The Center for Health Service Sciences provides health-related services so that students can focus on their studies and participate in sports without being concerned about their health. The center offers medical checkups, and doctors, counselors and nurses can provide advice and help when students have concerns about their physical or mental health. Therefore please don’t hesitate to drop by the center to use the services offered, as outlined below.

Hours Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.-12:45 p.m. and 1:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Tel 045-339-3153

Services provided at Center for Health Service Sciences
◆Regular Medical Checkups · Issuance of Medical Checkup Certificate

Medical checkups are offered to all students in April and to the students enrolled in the second semester in October.
◆Health Advice and Counseling

Specialists offer advice regarding health maintenance, injuries, illness, follow-up care, psychological problems, stress, etc. Your privacy is absolutely guaranteed.
◆Emergency First Aid

Falling from a bicycle, getting a sprained ankle from new shoes, cutting yourself during a lab
experiment, falling ill in class, insect bites, stomach aches, diarrhea that won’t stop, catching a cold,
getting a fever, etc.; you can get treatment at the Center for Health Service Science. The center can
recommend nearby hospitals or clinics if necessary.

When you visit a hospital, please bring your National Health Insurance Card with you and show it at the reception desk. If you are hospitalized, be sure to contact the Student Affairs Office of your College/Graduate School. Check the business hour of the hospital beforehand. You can buy over-the-counter medicines including a cold and stomach medicine, painkiller, and compress at pharmacy or drug store.


Ambulances: call 119 (toll free number) in case of emergency such as a sudden illness or an accident, dial 119 and request an ambulance. Please tell them that you need a kyûkyûsha, or ambulance, and give them the address of your location and nearby landmarks.
You can call in English, however, please speak Japanese to the attendant as much as possible.
(Example: “Kyûkyûsha o onegai shimasu. Basho wa (place name) desu.” “Ambulance, please. The place is…”) If you are calling from a public telephone, press the red button before dialing 119. Emergency ambulance calls are free if you press the red button before calling.

National Health Insurance

International students planning to reside in Japan for more than three months are required to subscribe to the National Health Insurance. This insurance covers 70% of charges for medical care and hospitalization. Even if your monthly medical fees add up to a large sum, you do not have to bear the total amount because the limit on your medical payment applies. The insurance does not cover some of medical treatment particularly dental procedures and hospitalization. Please contact a hospital before you undergo treatment.
Family members can also enroll in the insurance program and about 70% of their medical costs is also covered.

<The Administrative Process>
1 Please enroll the National Health Insurance at the ward office or city hall of your residence immediately after arriving in Japan. Generally, as international students can receive 20-70% reduction of the premium, please apply for the reduction when you enroll in the insurance.
2 A bill will be mailed to you after your enrollment. Please pay the insurance fee by cash or automatic transfer at the bank.

The amount of reduction varies depending on the local government rules where you live and your income. You should contact your local ward office or city hall and ask what kind of document you need to submit for the reduction of the premium.

National Pension Plan

All people residing in Japan including international students are required by law to enroll in the National Pension Plan once they reach 20 years old. Please make sure to submit an application to enroll in the National Pension Plan at your local municipal office. If you cannot pay pension due to
financial difficulties, you can apply for the postponement of payments. In case you become disabled caused by unexpected accidents or illnesses after enrolling in the National Pension Plan, you will be eligible to receive the Disability Basic Pension benefits.


At Yokohama National University, you are requested to enroll in the Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (PAS) and Liability Insurance coupled with PAS (“Gakkensai”) provided by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services so that you can prepare yourself for (1) your own injuries that may occur (i) while engaging in the University’s regular curricular activities, events and extracurricular activities (limited only for those reported to the University), (ii) while in the University’s facilities and (iii) while commuting to and from the University (including between the University’s facilities), as well as (2) liability for injuries to others and damage to others’ properties you may cause during education and research activities. However, the Gakkensai does not cover all activities of your daily student life. Therefore, you are recommended to optionally enroll in the Students Comprehensive Insurance (“Futai Gakuso”) as an insurance policy that covers your entire student life. The Students Comprehensive
Insurance covers your student life 24 hours a day in a comprehensive manner, including actual medical costs associated with injuries and illness not covered by Gakkensai, as well as liability for accidents you cause.
In addition, the Student Mutual Benefit and the Personal Liability Insurance for Students are available at the YNU Co-op.
Please refer to the following summary for more details on insurance policies.

Insurance policies all students are requested to enroll in as a general rule

Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Liability Insurance coupled with PAS) (“Gakkensai”)

◆Policy covering your own injuries
Covers your own injuries that occur while participating in the University’s classes, research activities, events and extracurricular activities (limited only for those reported to the University) and while commuting to and from the University (including between the University’s facilities) to participate in the aforementioned activities.
◆Policy covering liability for damage to others and properties
Covers liability for injuries to others and damage to others’ properties that you cause while participating in the University’s classes, research activities and events, as well as while commuting to and from the University (including between the University’s facilities).
*For more details on Gakkensai, please make sure to check the “Introduction to the Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (PAS) and Liability Insurance coupled with PAS” and the website of Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (
Office in charge: Student General Section, Student Support Division (Tel: 045-339-3116)

Insurance policies as options

Students Comprehensive Insurance (“Futai Gakuso”)

◆Policy covering your own illness and injuries, as well as liability for damage to others and properties
Covers wide areas, including liability for damage, your injuries and sickness, cost for helpers, after-effects and security after a death.
*Please be sure to check details on the Futai Gakuso coverage in the “Students Comprehensive Insurance as a Comprehensive Support for Emergencies in Student Life” before enrolling in the insurance.
Contact: Students Comprehensive Insurance Consulting Desk (Tel. 0120-811-806)
Tokio Marine & Nichido Anshin Consulting Co., Ltd.

Student Mutual Benefit (Life Mutual Insurance)

◆Policy covering your own accidents, illness and injuries
Covers wide areas, whether inside or outside school, including damage caused by unforeseen disasters and accidents, as well as costs for hospital visits, hospitalization and after-effects associated with illness and injuries.
Office in charge: YNU Co-op (Tel: 045-331-5217)

Personal Liability Insurance for Students

◆Policy covering liability for damage to others and properties
Covers liability for damage to others and others’ properties that you cause during the University’s regular curricular, research and extracurricular activities and in your daily life.
Office in charge: YNU Co-op (Tel: 045-331-5217)

Personal Liability Insurance for Students (Special Contract for Students Living Alone)

◆Policy covering liability relating to housing
Covers damage caused by fire and water leakage, damage to household goods, loss by theft,
etc. at an apartment you rent.
Office in charge: YNU Co-op (Tel: 045-331-5217)

(Global Support Desk)