YNU establishes international branches at universities overseas with the following 6 objectives suitable for each country, region, and university. From the faculty’s perspectives, 1. To enhance education level, 2. To intensify research level, 3. To hold strong missions. From students’ perspectives, 4. To strengthen basic education, 5. Education at global standard 6.Advanced-level education.
YNU’s international branches focus on conducting new educational programs, expanding public relations’ activities to accept excellent international students, exchanging communications with local universities where the international branches are located and hosting reunions.
As being a hub for international cooperation, YNU build a human network among university students and alumni overseas, YNU alumni who are working or job-hunting, current YNU students, current faculty in Japan and abroad. We will further strengthen international exchange, and form an international joint research base.
UD-YNU International Branch (Da Nang) -established in June 2014
YNU has established the UD-YNU International Branch (Da Nang) at the University of Da Nang. This branch has been a hub for practical scientific technology and research development regarding security and safety.
- Contact
- Manager Dr. Le Anh Tuan at UD-YNU International Branch
Address: 14 Le Duan St., Danang City, Vietnam
E-mail: ynu-ud@ynu.ac.jp

USP-YNU International Branch (Sao Paulo) -established in May 2015
YNU has established the USP-YNU International Branch at the University of Sao Paulo. This branch has been a hub for practical research, and research development, and cultivation of human resources to achieve sustainable development by joint work of Asia and Central, South America.
- Contact
- Manager Dr. Alexandre Kawano at USP-YNU International Branch
Coordinator Dr. Kazuo Nishimoto at USP-YNU International Branch
Address: Av. Mello Moraes 2231, Escola Politécnica -
Universidade de São Paulo Edificio de Eng.
Mecânica e Naval São Paulo SP 05508-010, Brazil
USP-YNU International Branch
USP International Cooperation Office

PSU-YNU International Branch (Portland, U.S.A) -established in September 2017
YNU has established the PSU-YNU International Branch (Portland) at Portland State University. This branch will be operated as a cooperative base for research especially in the field of YNU Overseas Short Term English Training Program, Japanese Studies, Urban Planning and Traffic Planning.
- Contact
- Coordinator ZAMA Anri (Ms.) at YNU-PSU International Branch
Address: Intensive English Language Program
Portland State University, 527 SW Hall Street
Suite 400, Portland, OR 97201, U.S.A

(International Planning Section, Global Promotion Division)